The lazy vault, known for its ease and efficiency, stands out as a fundamental technique in parkour. Its name stems from the minimal energy required to execute it, allowing practitioners to effortlessly glide over obstacles such as ledges, rails, or other objects. This tutorial delves into the lazy vault, highlighting its importance in achieving fluid and smooth parkour movements.

Finding the Ideal Practice Spot

For beginners, it’s advisable to start practicing on a thin ledge, approximately waist-high, with a landing area covered in grass. This setup ensures a safer and more comfortable learning environment.

Step-by-Step Guide to the Lazy Vault

  1. Initial Approach: Approach the ledge either parallel or at a slight angle, building up a comfortable running momentum;
  2. Hand Placement: As you near the ledge, place your left hand firmly on it, positioning it in front of your body for stability;
  3. First Leg Movement: Propel yourself off the ground with your right foot, simultaneously swinging your left leg upwards and over the ledge, leading the movement in front of your left hand;
  4. Second Leg Movement: Follow through by lifting your right leg over the ledge, either simultaneously with the left leg or immediately after. For added control and support, your right hand can also make contact with the ledge at this stage;
  5. Landing: Complete the vault by landing on your left foot, smoothly transitioning into a run, and releasing your hands from the ledge.

Accelerated Progression Techniques

  1. Start by positioning yourself adjacent to the ledge, ensuring your left hand is firmly planted on it for balance. Swing your left leg over the ledge, using your buttocks to assist in the movement, and then smoothly transition your right leg over as well;
  2. Consistently practice this motion, focusing on the fluidity and coordination of your legs and hands. The key is to achieve a sense of comfort and natural flow in the movement, reducing any stiffness or awkwardness;
  3. As you gain confidence, incrementally increase your approach speed. The goal is to gradually minimize reliance on your buttocks for support, instead leveraging the momentum from your run. This progression trains your body to adapt to the dynamic nature of the vault.

This approach not only captures the essence of the lazy vault but also emphasizes its adaptability and ease. It’s a technique that can be practiced in various environments, tailored to the practitioner’s comfort and skill level. The lazy vault is not just a parkour skill; it can be a fun, physical activity to incorporate into daily life, even while engaging in leisure activities like watching TV. This adaptability makes it an ideal starting point for beginners and a versatile tool for experienced practitioners to refine their fluidity and control in parkour.

Conclusion: Embrace the Ease

The lazy vault, a hallmark of parkour, is renowned for its simplicity and effectiveness. This guide aims to encourage even beginners to try this technique, eliminating any excuses not to engage in this exciting aspect of parkour.